Birthday is a special day for most of the people. Wishing birthday is important to make a day more special. If you are wishing a happy birthday messages anybody, your words should express how much you love them what they mean to you. It is the day which needs perfect cheers. Send your loved one’s birthday messages to see the perfect smile on their face. You can choose the best birthday messages from given below that no one will forget.

Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Friend
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday wishes!
Some people say: My how time flies when you are having fun. I prefer” My how flies have fun when you are having time. Hope your birthday is fun.
At present, I want to tell you that you are the best thing that happened to me, best bday to you my dearest friend.
One more year has come n gone, The sands of time keep trickling away. ur birthday reminds me to let u know I’m thankful 4 u.each n every day.
Read More: Best 99 Happy Birthday Wishes SMS
Happy birthday! Enjoy this year and use it as a launchpad for your future!
You are priceless, no one can buy how much you mean to me, my friend, wonderful bday.
Thanks for another year of being an awesome friend. Happy birthday dear friend!
Read More: 333+ Best Happy Birthday SMS
Happy Birthday to my dear BFF! Our friendship means more than words can say.
You are my dream come true, I wished for a true friend and now here you are.
Birthday is the day that u will remember the day that u entered this world and the day u belong in this world.
Read More: Best 950 Sweet Happy Birthday images for 2019
You have a birthday twinkle in your eye so have fun and know we love you fairy, fairy much. Happy Birthday.
I am going to sing Best birthday to you so much that I will not ask but embrace as well.
I am grateful for your true friendship. Hope you birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!
Hope your birthday is totally cool, really funtastic, wonderful, exciting, majorly awesome, rocking and HAPPY. Happy Birthday wishes.
Do not let anything ruin this day for you, okay? It is your day, wonderful bday to you.
Read More: Best 350 Happy Birthday Quotes for 2019
Little secret tucked away
Saved untill ur special day
Wishes sent from near & far
2 say how nice u r
May every small surprise
Combine 2 make ur birth day really shine.
A wish for lots of birthday fun. To last until the day is done. Hoping that all your wishes comes true, and your birthday cake is as sweet as you!
It is killing me to know that you are still too far away from me, happy bday my friend.
I wish you love, hope and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my best friend!
Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend Someone who I know will be there till the end And they’re not just thoughts I hope will fulfill But thoughts that will stand forever.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Girlfriend
My sweetheart, it’s the day which has paramount importance to me, because it’s your birthday! Happy birthday to you my love. I am promising; with me, it is going to be your best day of life.
I am thrilled that I get to spend another year making memories with you, you are truly the light of my life. Happy birthday to you my love!
I want to spend all my summers, autumns, winters and springs together with you. I know that you are the girl of my life. Happy birthday, my love!
Beautiful and stunning is the view I see whenever I close my eyes and think of you dear. Happy birthday to my girl, with whom we gel like glue.
Thank you for wiping my tears away. Thank you for cheering me up when everything is grey. Thank you for loving me for who I am. Happy birthday to you, my wonderful lady.
You are the fairy of my fairyland! And you have no idea how much I love you. Today is your birthday, and so I am gonna wishing you the best moments of your life on the day!
It doesn’t take a cake full of candles to make me light up when I am around you. Happy birthday, I love you so much.
You are my strength and support, sweetie. I need you every minute of my life. I’m very happy of opportunity to know and love you. You are everything for me. Happy birthday my wonderful girlfriend!
Even when I am depressed and sad, you are the medicine that always brings back my grin. With you beside me, I know I will always win. Happy birthday gorgeous.
Meeting you is the highlight of my life. The day I became your boyfriend was the best day of my existence. Happy birthday to my girlfriend!
It’s your birthday! On this special day, I wanna say something, “I can’t think a single moment without you, and I love you so much”. My soul mate, happy birthday!
All I need to be happy is the knowledge that you are happy. Today and every day I will celebrate the fact that you were born, and that I have the chance to love you.
My love for you is limitless and endless because you are a wonderful woman and my girlfriend. I adore every inch of you. Hope our perfect time will never end. Happy birthday, dear!
Here is a birthday kiss, a birthday gift, and a birthday wish for my sweetheart who brings joy and bliss into my life. Happy Birthday.
Since I met you, my life has never been the same. It is more meaningful, it is more colorful, it is more fun and it is definitely more perfect. Have a very happy birthday honey!
Pretty as a rose, sweet like honey – thanks for making my life, bright and sunny. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the woman who showed me that love is worth pursuing. I plan to chase after your love on this birthday, and everyone after.
Congratulations to the love of my life, I hope the very best wishes for you on your big day! From the man who loves you.
You think you love me more than I love you, but I know I love you more than you could ever love me. Well, it does not matter, as we both love each other more than we love ourselves. Happy Birthday, love.
I used to wish for someone like you before going to sleep. I used to pray for you to come to my life. Now that I have you I will never ever let you go. Happy birthday my wonderful girlfriend!
Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend: 95 Messages to Make Her Day Special
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Boyfriend
Happy Birthday to the best boyfriend in the world. I wanted to plan you a surprise birthday party but we all know that I can’t keep a secret.
Wishing all the happiness of the world for my bae on his birthday.. Lots of hugs and kisses for you!…Happy Birthday once again!
When I looked up at the sky that night, I made a wish when I saw a falling star. My wish finally came true, which is why I am here with you. With all of my love, Happy Birthday!
When two hearts are meant to be together, no distance can ever be big enough to separate them. I really love you. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to the hottest and the most cheerful man on the planet! May your day be extremely fun and exciting!
Happy Birthday, Baby. I promise that if I get mad today, I won’t take it out on you. I’ll wait until tomorrow. Enjoy your special day.
I am lucky that god has made you for me. HBD and stay fit, we have to live many years together.
I never thought I’d love anything more than ice cream, until I found you, of course. Wishing you the best birthday ever, my sweetheart.
On your Birthday, I would like to tell you that you are not a good Boyfriend, Actually you are the best. I couldn’t have asked for more. Thank you for walking into my life and enriching it. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to the cutest boyfriend ever! I fell in love from the first time I saw you, because you were different. Wish you to have different birthday, too. You are an AMAZING! Congrats!
Forget about your age. Just have fun! It will catch up with you later when you find that your body can’t handle your lifestyle. Enjoy your wonderful birthday!
Thinking about me? Imagine, I am in-front of you, holding beautiful red roses and saying happy birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to my boyfriend who holds my hand firm but gentle, who listens to me day and night, and lets me know everything is going to be all right.
May you get whatever you desire, may you succeed wherever you go, may we be always together no matter how many obstacles come our way. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
You are the reason I smile, so I want to be the reason of your fantastic birthday. I want to see you the happiest, babe. Love you. Happy birthday and wonderful day!
I am more than lucky to have you in my life. You make every day more special than the last. I hope your birthday is special and one you’ll never forget.
Happy Birthday my sweet baby, take care of yourself as you are precious and belongs to me.
Happy Birthday to the man who has always been there for me. Whether rain or shine, I’m so happy and grateful that I can call you mine.
I know I don’t always say it, but you are my everything. My life would be incomplete without you. On your Birthday, I want to declare my love for you. Happy Birthday baby, I really love you!
Only special people receive special birthday wishes from me. And you have always been that special one. Happy Birthday to the best boyfriend ever!
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Sister
People have idols who are celebrities, famous personalities. But I found my idol in you. I love the way you are and I respect it. Happy birthday to the amazing sister of the world.
Looking at you gives me the strength to go on in life. You are the inspiration of my life. It’s a blessing to have a sister like you. I wish you to have the best birthday of your life.
A sister is like a different flower from the same garden – that’s why the sun was shining so tenderly on your side. Happy Birthday.
Today my sis became wiser, more pretty and experienced. I wish you always see beauty and kindness everywhere. Happy birthday!
You are the best sister anyone ever had. And I am lucky to have you. It’s a special day. Happy Birthday sister!
Happy Birthday, Sis! To the smartest, kindest, bestest, prettiest, and the most dearest of all sisters. Love You.
You are such an inspiration and all-time role model for me. I have always been impressed by all you do and the care you show. Thank you for teaching me what life is all about. Happy birthday, sister!
Your birthday is more special to me than you, because on this day, I got the most precious gift of my life. Happy Birthday.
We were not born from the same womb but I believe we share the same soul in two different bodies! Happy birthday to the other part of my soul!
Happy Birthday. Thank you for making my life brighter. You are such a great sister. I hope that the coming year is filled with much happiness.
No matter what the world throws at me, I know you always have my back. Thank you for being my friend and protector. Most of all, though, thank you for being my sister. I love you. Happy birthday!
You are such a sweetheart babe! I just love you too much. I promise to keep hidden all your secrets, to flood you with gifts and never to miss a chance to make you smile. Happy Birthday Sister.
Happy Birthday To My Amazing Sister! It’s been so much fun growing up with my best friend by my side. I hope this year brings you all the joy you deserve.
Happy birthday, sister! I cannot explain fully enough how important you are to me. Without you, I would not be the confident and driven person I am today. Thank you!
We may fight, argue and annoy each other, but you will always be my Best Friend Forever. Love you through thick and thin. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my wonderful sister! I can’t imagine my life without you; we are the parts of one soul. Be happy, I love you.
I know whatever I give won’t amount to the love you have given me. It’s unattainable. Happy birthday my loveliest sister.
There are so many wonderful words to tell you, but none of them will express the depth of my love for you. You are a gift from God. Happy birthday!
Never can it be said that there was a better sister in this world than you. You are amazing in every way. Here’s to you this year and for many more. Happy birthday!
Though I don’t talk to you every day but you always remain the deepest core of my heart. Happy Birthday, Sister.
Your friends may come into your life and go away, but sisters will always be beside you to make you happy forever. Happy Birthday.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Brother
Happy Birthday To My Brother. Thank you for being my built-in best friend for life. Enjoy your special day! It only comes once a year!
You have always fended off anyone who ever came close to hurting me, you wanted to punch the nose of the person who broke my heart, thank you, bro and have a happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the brother who constantly supported me on my bad days. You are indeed a superhero and I wish you all the luck in life. Stay blessed.
Brothers are meant to bring laughs, pranks, and share fond memories. You have done all of the above plus more! Happy Birthday!
Someone’s got to tell you how amazing you are on your birthday. I’ll be the first. You are amazing and I’m wishing you a happy birthday.
You know what, I feel so proud to have a brother like you. You are my best friend. On this special day, I want to say you, Happy Birthday Brother.
Happy Birthday To My Little Brother I Love. Hope your special day is filled with love and happiness, and that this year is your best year yet!
There is not much I want to say but that I am forever going to be grateful for the chance to have a brother like you, I wish you all the best on your birthday today.
Life offers us so many blessings and a brother is one of them. Happy birthday, brother.
To my little brother, I will always love you and take care of you even though you’re becoming a responsible young man. Love always, Happy Birthday!
Surely there is no one like my brother who is so much caring and responsible and can maintain everything easily. I feel so much proud because I have a brother like you. I love you my Brother. Happy Birthday. Wish you all the best.
To My Sweet Brother, Happy Birthday. You were my first friend, and you’re still my best friend. I think of you every day, but especially today.
Thank you brother for all the memories of our childhood days. Without you the world would have been colorless to me. Wishing happy birthday to the best brother in this world.
Protecting the little sister from worries and strangers are his duty. He will act like he does not care but he always had and always will. Happy birthday, brother.
My dear brother, I wish you a very happy and joyful year ahead. May God love and care you, as you did for me. May you live a long and beautiful life. Happy Birthday.
For My Brother, Happy Birthday. Every birthday gets a little more special. Maybe that’s because family gets more important as we get older. Today it’s especially important that you know how much I love having you as a brother.
You are the only one who helped me a lot, guided me a lot and never given up when even I was not confident. Thanks for being all the way with me. Happy birthday.
A brother’s arms will always be there in the hours of need. Haopy birthday to the best brother ever.
I hope every day of your life is blessed. May you feel fulfilled and inspired on this day. Happy Birthday to my brother.
I consider myself a very lucky person because I found the best friend in my brother. You are a true inspiration to me, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday. Wishing you an extra spectacular birthday and letting you know that our relationship means a lot to me, and always will. Love you!
When I cried you were the one to wipe out them. When I was laughing, you were the one to laugh with me. Thanks for being my true companion. Happy birthday, brother.
Happy birthday brother, let life guide you to the path of success and happiness.
Happy Birthday! You make life worth living and dreams worth dreaming. Wishing you all the best on your birthday.
Happy Birthday to my special brother! Your presence in my life makes it much more joyful and colorful! Wishing you all the most precious things that life can bring!
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Her
Happy Birthday. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. I hope that you remember that, today and always.
You are everything that one man could wish for. Therefore, I will try to return all the happiness that you brought into my life back to you. Happy birthday, my love!
Every year with you it’s better than the previous one. Thanks for this, honey. I wish you a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday to you. The past has come and gone and the best years are yet to come! Wishing you a long, happy, and healthy life!
My fondness for you will not grow old no matter how old you become, that’s a firm promise to you. Best Birthday Wishes, My Luv.
You have been by my side in the best and worst moments, in good health and in sickness, in wealth and in poverty, but you have never given up on me. You loved me not for what I had, but for what I was. And for this, you will always have a special place in my heart. A place that has been carved out just for you since the first day I met you. Happy birthday!
Don’t worry about blowing out all those candles on your cake. I’ve already asked the Fire Department to be on standby. Happy birthday, my ancient friend!
Have a wonderful birthday. I wish your every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness and the warmth of sunshine.
Thank you for sharing your life with me, honey, you’re so precious to me. I wish you a fantastic birthday and a wonderful day, full of joy and love!
May God bless you with all of the wonderful desires of your heart and bless you to keep the many blessings that you already have. Happy Birthday, dear!
On your special day, I wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings. Have a fantastic birthday, celebrate the happiness on every day of your life. Happy Birthday!!
Your love is the light shinning in my life. Loving you has brought me so much joy. May your birthday bring you all the joy you deserve. Happy birthday my love.
Today is the perfect day to tell you that you’re a wonderful girlfriend. Happy birthday! I wish you all the best on this day and throughout the year.
May this birthday be filled with lots of happy hours and also your life with many happy birthdays, that are yet to come. Happy birthday.
Life without love is like a day without the sun. I am so glad I found love in you. I’ll never let you out of my life. I love you my sweetheart, happy birthday.
Falling in love should last forever. Forget all the bad and the things that made you sad. All best wishes from someone who loves you immensely. Happy Birthday!
You are my true friend. You were always with me, you supported me, you boosted me up when I was down. Thanks for being such a friend of mine. Happy birthday.
Every day, your love is renewed in my heart. You give me countless reasons to love you. My waking and sleeping thoughts are of you. You are so very special to me. May your life be filled with the joy you have brought to mine. Happy birthday.
Thank you for all the good moments that you brought into my life. Happy birthday, love and I wish you all the best. Love you!
My dear, you know that I always wish you the best of what the world has to offer, especially on this special day. Happy birthday, yours forever.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages to my Love
It’s your birthday, but I’m the one who should be celebrating the most. My favorite person in the world was born on this day.
On this special occasion of your life, I want to remind you that I am here, truly, madly, deeply in love with you! Happy Birthday!
Loving you gets easier each and every day. Now you have aged once more so with love I shall say…Happy Birthday.
Falling in love with you wasn’t in my hands but making your birthday special is. I promise you, you’ll be extra happy on this day. Just trust me. Happy birthday, my darling!
I’m so glad you came into the world, and I’m even more glad you came into my world. Happy Birthday, sweetheart.
My day doesn’t start with the sunrise and end with sunset. It starts and ends with you, my love. You’re my morning, noon and night. May your birthday start and end with the afterglow of our fiery love.
Just as the foamy waves crash upon the sandy shore so my heart seeks you more and more. With all my heart I wish you a happy birthday.
Every day of my life is different since the day we met each other. Thank you for all spontaneous decisions and crazy ideas. Wishing you the craziest b-day, too. I love you, my man. Have perfect day!
I wanted to give you all my love for your birthday, but there’s no box big enough to hold it. Besides, it’s already yours.
I could never have dreamed you. You are every fantasy I’ve ever had, rolled up into the loveliest of creatures. May your birthday be as extraordinary as you are.
You loved me when I was down, when I was sick, or when I had a frown. You keep me smiling everyday and I just want you to know, it’s my turn, so Happy Birthday.
We prayed to God to give us a special gift. He gave us you. Dear you are a dream come true. Happy birthday!
Were you really born on this day? Or did you just fly down from heaven as the beautiful angel you are?
Ting Tong..!
– Who is there?
-It’s a sweet message from your special one.
– Oww!!! for what?
-To wishing you a very happy birthday and to wish you the best things for your whole life. Happy birthday dear!
If the world ended on this day and I only had one thing left to say. It would be I love you. Happy Birthday my lovely soul mate.
You are a very special person to me. Hope the New Year will not change, but have more memorable moments with you. Happy birthday!
Your life began on this day. My life began the day I met you. I’m so glad both days happened. Happy Birthday, darling.
Hello my love, do you know? I can’t think a single day without you. I am in love with you crazily. I am so much grateful for that day when you came to the world. And it’s the day. Happy birthday!
My soul longs to be with you. My mind filled with thoughts of holding you in my arms. Have a wonderful birthday today.
Happy birthday my Love. This is my prayer for you on this special day. May accomplish what you wish and earnestly seek.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Husband
Just like your day doesn’t begin without a hot cup of tea, my life doesn’t mean a thing without your tender touch and your sweet nothings. Thanks for being the best husband ever. Happy birthday, my sweetheart.
You’ve given me so much more than I ever hoped for. Thank you for making me feel loved, thank you for sticking with me. Happy birthday husband.
My dear hubby, my day is never complete without your sweet, soft words. There’s nothing in this universe that makes me happier than waking up next to you every morning. I feel blessed to be your wife each day. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to the most loving, inspiring and simply the best husband in the world! Lots of love, hugs and kisses coming your way!
I know it’s your birthday, but I’m sorry, I wish something for myself today. I wish to be the woman you deserve, because you have been more than the man I wished to be with. I love you. Happy birthday.
I want to remind you how special you are to me. I may not say it enough but I love you and you mean the world to me. I may not show it a lot but I adore you and you are the beat to my heart. Happy birthday darling!
Sweetheart, for me, today is not just your birthday but also a sweet reminder of my commitment to love you until the end of time. Enjoy today to the max!
May your heart be full of joy, may it sing a song of happiness. Congratulations on your special day, my husband, I love you so much..
You say I’m your perfect woman.
Flattery has always been your tact.
But here’s the real fact:
My charm comes from you, my beauty enhances with you, my life is beautiful because of you.
You are the reason I am what I am today. I am nothing without you.
Happy birthday, my perfect man.
Thank you for being the best partner and companion in my life. I can’t wait to have more adventures and memories with you. Happy birthday to my husband who I love with all of my heart!
Babe, when I asked God for love, I didn’t know he’d add handsomeness, charm, and cuteness to the package. I’m so blessed to share my bed every night with someone as special as you. Happy birthday.
Best wishes for the person I love and respect the most – my husband. Thank you for encouraging me in difficult situations.
It is only in your arms that I feel safe, only your eyes make me feel beautiful, only your touch makes me feel wanted, and it is only your birthday that I wait all throughout the year. With many surprises waiting ahead, Happy birthday, my darling.
Thank you for bringing out the best in me. You are the best hubby in this world, thank you for loving me.
Dear hubby, quintessence is the right word to describe your love for me. Wishing a happy birthday to the quintessential lover of all time. Cheers
You do so many things to make life more full of smiles and love. And I appreciate every one of them. Happy birthday husband.
We have loved together, laughed together.
Shared together, cared together.
Fought together, lived together.
It’s your birthday today―let’s always celebrate it, together.
Happy birthday!
In your arms is where I feel safe. In your arms I feel loved. I am so grateful to be your wife. Happy birthday husband.
Dearest husband, the decision I made to be your wife remains the best I have made all of my life. May our love for each other grow deeper and stronger with each passing day. Enjoy your day.
You’re the tune, I love to hum over and over. You’re the movie I can never get bored of. You’re the novel I can read again and again. You’re the lover I can love forever. Happy Birthday.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages Funny
You realize you are getting older when the candles on your cake are more expensive than the cake itself.
When I looked at the date, I realized that it was your birthday, friend! When I thought about the year in which you were born, I almost fainted! You don’t look a day over a hundred! Happy Birthday!
As per the old people, as you grow old you start becoming wiser and smarter, but I think this is not the case with you. Try next year buddy again! Happy birthday.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Candles are years
Happy Birthday to you!
What a great presence! What a remarkable intelligence! What charm, and what beautiful eyes! But, enough about me. Happy Birthday!
Friend, on this day of the year, many, many years ago, you were born! I guess that’s something! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, friend! It is good to take every birthday wish this year with a small grain of salt, and it is better if you get a margarita to accompany the salt.
Forget the past, forget the future and please forget the present too as I did forget to get you one. But happy birthday, dear.
It’s better to live a life that is short, but memorable than to live for a thousand years. Yet, the way your life has been progressing, you seem to be going for both! Happy birthday my friend!
Friend, calling you young would be a mistake! A HUGE mistake! Happy Birthday!
On this special day of yours, I was thinking to make a perfect tequila cake for you. But as it turns out, now you only have a simple cake, and I seem to look like a drunkard in the whole party.
Another year closer to getting those senior citizen seats on buses! Happy birthday.
You know you are getting old when your lungs are not strong enough to blow all of your birthday candles! Happy birthday!
On this auspicious day, I just want to say that, “Always remember that age is just a number, which people out there use to represent how much attractive and happy your body is. So do not worry about age.” Happy birthday to you! Enjoy your life!
Happy birthday to the one who is my constant support since long back. It is quite funny as you look prettier than ever. I am saying this because you still look like you are only 50 years old despite the fact that now you are 60 years old.
I hope you enjoy your birthday just like when you were born in this world. Without clothes. Happy Birthday
I have been looking everywhere for a decent gift, but I found nothing suitable for someone as special as you, so accept a good thought and my best wishes, accompanied by a sincere “Happy Birthday!”
As you are growing old with every passing year, it is becoming very difficult for us to see the cake. It is due to the number of candles that are there on the cake. Happy birthday buddy! May you get all the happiness of the world.
Happy birthday! It is a fact that you are one of the best examples of how the old people have to start celebrating their birthdays. It is due to you are a food lover, but you cannot eat any of it because of the prescription by the doctor.
Once in many years, people with great passion and brilliance are born into this world who aims at the greater things in life. And today one of them would like to wish you a very happy birthday.
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Him
There is no telling when you might have to go to the infirmary, let us go. Happy bday!
Go my sweet SMS
Sweet Friend k paas
Sweet Galyoon sey ho ker
Sweet Style k saath
Sweet Smile k sath
Sweet Mode k saath
Sweet sey Andaz me kehna
May you live life to the very best on your special day today, get drunk, be merry and dance the night away. Because in the morning, you’ll have a whale of a time digesting the fact that you have one less year on Earth! Haha. Happy Birthday.
We are crazy when we are together and you know that, so happy birthday to you for now.
I am so proud to be your best friend. May you have a happy and healthy birthday!
I wish that God sends you His choicest blessings and showers your life with happiness on your birthday. I wish that all that you have ever dreamt of comes true on your birthday. Happy Birthday, buddy. Don’t forget, we gotta party!
Today, I had another great year, I like how you are struggling, but wonderful birthday.
Sending birthday blessings
Filled with love and peace & joy
Wishing sweetest things happen
Right b4 ur eyes !
Best friends stand by us through our good times as well as bad. On this special day, I just want to let you know that you have me jumping for joy because my best friend came into this world on this day. Happy Birthday and I wish you live forever!
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, best bday to you my dearest friend.
You understand me like nobody else. I have a sibling in you my friend. Happy birthday to my best friend!
For many people the word friend is just a sequence of letters. For me it is the source of happiness and strength because of you. Happy Birthday buddy!
Do you know just how important you are to me? If you do not, well wonderful bday to you!
World’s happiest friends never have the same characters;
They just have the best understanding of their differences.
Happy Birthday!
On your birthday may all that you asked from God be granted to you hundred fold! Happy Birthday to my sweetest friend. Always keep smiling the way you do! Have an amazing day and an even more special year ahead. May God Bless you.
I like the way that you tell me that you care because you do, best bday, friend!
Thank you always being there to listen. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. Enjoy your birthday!
A friend is a person who fills our lives with beauty and grace and makes the world we live in a better and happier place. Thanks for making my world a safer place to live in. Happy Birthday!
God is so kind to have given me a friend like you and I thank Him every night of my life.
Dear Friend,
You are always there for me, supporting me, encouraging me, listening to me and all those other things that friends do.
Happy Birthday, my Wonderful Friend!
Sweet Happy Birthday Messages for Mom
Every mom is special, but trust me there is no other mom who can be compared to your qualities and abilities. On this special day, I want to thank you and wish happy birthday.
For the countless things you do, I’m infinitely grateful. Thank you, Mom, for all your help and love. Happy birthday Mom!
“Mom, sometimes I may not like you. But I never let my moods make you feel that I don’t love you. Happy birthday my dearest mom!”
Roses are red. Violets are blue. There’s no one I’d rather turn to you in troubles than you. Happy birthday to the best mom in the whole world!
You are the only person that has always given me a shoulder to cry on, a joke to laugh at, and a piece of advice to frown at! I am old enough now to give that to you! Happy birthday Mom!
Make a wish that’s just for you, Mom. Heck, make two or three or four! You deserve all your dreams to come true. Happy birthday Mom!
“My dearest mom, thank you for being so patient with me for so many years. Thank you for your unconditional love and the ability to find happiness in small things! I hope that when I am your age, I will have these traits too. Happy Birthday, mom!”
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the number of candles on your cake. It won’t trigger the fire alarm yet. Next year, maybe! Happy birthday, sweet Mom!
For every year of my life, you’ve easily won the “Best Mother of the Year” Award. No one comes even within a mile of your winning ways. Wishing you a birthday as great as you are, Mom.
“No one can love me more, no one can understand me better than you do. No one can inspire me more, no one can hug me as warmly as you do. Happy birthday, mom!”
“The safest and the most peaceful place in the world lies is my mom’s hugs to me. Happy birthday, mommy!”
Do you know what to not ask for on your birthday? Absolutely nothing! It’s your day to choose whatever you want. Happy birthday to the best mother around!
Every time I fell, you helped me get up. You never let me miss a step, get paralyzed by fear or pass up love. I wouldn’t be who I am without you. Happy birthday, Mom!
“You’ve always been the wind that helped the boat of my life sail through high tides, choppy waters, and endless storms. Happy birthday, ma.”
“The definition of motherhood would be meaningless if it didn’t have you as an example. Happy birthday, mom!”
Thank you for all the love and support that you have showed me growing up, I love you enough to leave you alone on your special day!
My life would not be complete without you by my side. You have been with me through all the good and the bad times. I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything. Happy Birthday Mother!
“I believe in angels, superheroes, miracles, blessings, good luck, and destiny. Because I find all these in you, mom. You are my everything. Happy birthday, mom!”
“Happy birthday to my superhero! When I got older, I realized how precious our moments together are. Only your heartwarming hugs warm my heart. You are an amazing friend, guide, and confidant, all rolled into the bests mom.”
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